Monday, October 24, 2011

The who, what, when, where and why of my blog

The "Road to 50" sounds sorta like the "Road to Hana" doesn't it?  and the more I think about it, the journeys might have more parallels then at first blush.  The Road to Hana is long and winding, sometimes enough to make you sick! It can be difficult to drive at times, but then you turn a corner and, pop, a beautiful waterfall appears.  I suspect the road to 50 might be similar.  I am sure there will be some challenging parts, but intertwined will be these precious moments to hold on to for a lifetime.

To be honest, 50 doesn't scare or bother me.  Now, 45 was another story! At that time, there was a big transition in my life, and I had the stark realization that the plans laid out in my 30s were not materializing.  Not married, no children, and far from my hometown in rural upstate New York.  45 slapped me in the face like a frozen January day.  So what did I do in response??  Throw a party :-) Yes, I am not one to bury my head in the sand and hide, attacking things head on is more my style.

Why journal the trek to 50 then?  Well, to be honest, I have wanted to try my hand at blogging anyway. I am not much of a writer, but as of late my prose has definitely surpassed my verbal skills.  The road to 49 was a wild ride.. new dog.. new house.. new husband, but I was so busy with all the "new" that I didn't start blogging at the time.  So, here I am. That simple. So, if the musings of a middle-aged, married, pre-menopausal woman are interesting to you, feel free to join me on my journey to the big 5-0. I cannot promise anything to profound or esoteric, but I hope you will enjoy.

And with great trepidation I hit the "publish post" button.


  1. Great start Faith! Good luck on the winding road ahead. When the road gets slow and winding, remember to enjoy the view.

  2. Faith, I love it! You write beautifully. I'm so glad to be your friend and get to enjoy some of the best years of your life with you. :-)
